
網 站:
- 服務地區:全台灣,Other Countries pls contact us
- 地 址:104008台北市中山區南京東路一段16號9樓之5

- 統一編號:24769972
- E-mail:mandy@omosatw.com,mndlin@gmail.com
- 營業時間:10:00a.m.~10:00p.m.
- 配送方式:郵局寄送,貨運快遞,宅配,現場取貨,
- 交易方式:現金交易,貨到付款,ATM轉帳,銀行匯款,
- 有無刷卡:NO
O.MOSA is an outdoor fashion and functional knitted hats, knitted mufflers, knitted socks...etc. of accessories and sweater, underwear warm knitted vests from Taiwan. O.MOSA is the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Chinese Taipei(Taiwan)team supplier of knitted uniform hat.
除了自有品牌的針織產品銷售外,亦從事各式針織品客製化、量產製造,提供從設計端、生產端甚至跨國電商平台銷售通路端一條龍的垂直整合服務。工廠翔新企業社由1984年創立,公司創辦人林先生自10幾歲當學徒至今,產品規格橫跨7G、5G、3G、2G、1G領域,擁有50年OEM經驗,近年來從工廠立圖從製造端走向設計服務和銷售端,成立翔竤國際有限公司,二代林真妤(Mandy Lin | まよリン)自創設計針織品牌O.MOSA(鷗茉沙),將針織設計產品外銷到全世界。
We customize and manufacture all types of knit products as well as provide all-in-one vertically integrated services to our clients with total design, production, and global e-commerce sales solution. The O.MOSA factory – SIANG SIN CO.- was established in 1984 by Mr. Lin who was an apprentice in the industry from the age of 10 and remained in the industry till this day. We offer a wide range of products with specifications of 7G, 5G, 3G, 2G, and 1G as well as OEM services. With more than 50 years of OEM experience, we are now crossing over from manufacturing to design by establishing O.MOSA KNITWEAR CO., LTD. Mandy Lin(林真妤 |まよリン), who is a second generation and brand founder, are introducing O.MOSA as our own designer knitting brand for the global channels.
O.MOSA insists on having its products designed and made in Taiwan. By continuing to promote Taiwanese fancy yarn, we have succeeded in bringing Taiwanese functional knit products and eco-friendly knit products to the global stage. We are currently the designated supplier of European, America, and Japanese sportswear and women’s clothing name brands.
Our Services
Total Solutions Service
We offer a total solutions for knitwear buyers. The project procedure from design, material selection, manufacturing and delivery can be complete control.
1. We provide ODM/OEM solutions for production and can customize products of all special sizes.
ODM: We provide complete design solutions, including size definition, patterning, color coordination, and product line coordination.
OEM: We produce products that are designed by the client.
二、線上設計工具和資料庫服務(VIP會員加值服務): 根據疫情COVID-19,O.MOSA首創提供線上設計工具、設計商品線上展示資料庫、現有已開發紗線線上在庫檢索、顏色資料庫供客人選擇,即使在家上班仍然可以照常進行設計工作。
Online design tool and product & textile database service(VIP member bonus): Due to COVID-19, O.MOSA built a design tool and product & textile databases of design products, yarns, and color swatches, it's no problem to work at home.
Targeting Clients
Terminal retailers and brand distributers
我們的優勢 :
Our Advantages:
1. Rapid Patterning Center
O.MOSA established a Rapid Patterning Center to allow rapid priority service to clients who are short on time. A sample of an order placed in the morning can be seen in the afternoon. We are also available on email and Skype for real-time communication to quickly resolve issues at hand. Our team consists of the top cross-functional talents in design and patterning who are able to realize designable and producible products that are near identical to the client’s prototype in mind. We try our best to fully understand the needs of the client in order to make precise the design and reduce the number of future modifications needed to shorten time and lower material costs.
2. Market Insights, Knitwear Production Technologies, Comprehensive Design Team
Because our designers are experienced in marketing, they are able to design products that are tailored to the preferences and needs of consumers rather than what themselves prefer. These products, which are new in style and vivid in color, are able to attract consumer attention and drive return purchases. Our designers are not only responsible for product appearance but are also familiar and involved in digital patterning and production technology. They have the ability to foresee future production problems and design around manufacturing constrains to ensure efficient production. This effectively shortens product development time, reduces patterning costs, and saves communication time costs so that the client can feel assured when outsourcing design and production to O.MOSA.
In an effort of continuous development of patterns for products, O.MOSA combines innovative designs with novel production processes to increase product added-value and maximize profits.
3. Use of Taiwan’s High Technology Functional Yarn Material
Functional yarn has always been Taiwan’s pride. We use functional wool-blended fancy yarns that are anti-static and capable of preserving heat. Designers select from a variety of fancy yarns and combine them with seasonal pantone color trends to deliver products that are distinctive and eye-catching. These functional yarns are wrinkle-resistant, moisture-wicking, sweat-siphoning, fast-drying, lightweight, heat preserving, and slightly water repelling.
Exclusive Professional Production Technologies
O.MOSA is exclusive in its production technologies which permit high yield, low material loss, stable quality, and accurate delivery. More importantly, we consider all possible difficulties that may occur during project execution and manage issues not limited to production but also the marketing aspect. This is the reason why we have consolidated long-lasting partnerships with our clients.
The O.MOSA team has developed several exclusive technologies
1.創新一體成型技術 :
Innovative one piece technology:
- We pioneered the transitioning of crochets production from hand to machine and significantly increased product added-value. Crochets are no longer outsourced overseas which gives better control of manufacturing and allows timely delivery.
-We upgraded the traditional manufacturing method by adopting one piece patterns. These new products are innovative, distinctive, and well-liked by the ladies due to their body shaping effect. We are also keen on developing the men’s clothing market and have seen good market reactions.
2.製帽自動縮頭技術 : 大幅減少人力成本,有效縮短產品製成時程。
Integral molding technology in knit hat production: significantly reduces labor costs and shortens production time.
Primary Scope of Operation
客製化毛帽、針織圍巾、針織圍脖、襪套、手套、毛衣、布匹、衣服零件(領片、口袋...)、展場大型道具(超級特大帽、超級特大圍巾、超級特大襪...)、學生專案製作... 等等,只要是您想的到的針織品皆可訂製,歡迎來電(+886910912628)或E-mail(mandy@omosatw.com)或官方Line詢問(官方Line好友邀請連結在網頁的最下面,或搜尋@omosaknit)。
Knitted products ODM/OEM service: knitted hats, knitted mufflers, knit neck warmers, leg warmers, gloves, sweaters, fabrics, clothing parts (collars, pockets), large-scale exhibition props (large-scale hats, large-scale scarfs, large-scale socks), and student project productions. You are welcome to contact us by phone(+886910912628), E-mail(mandy@omosatw.com) or official line.(The link is at the bottom of the page or you can search @omosaknit.)